Sunday, October 22, 2006

Long March

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Long March that happened from 1934 to 1936.

Hu Jintao, general secretary of CPC Central Committee, state president and chairman of Central Military Commission (CMC), delivered a key-note speech at the ceremony whose highlight was: "The Long March, which opened a bright future for China's revolution and laid an important foundation for the victory of China's revolution, has been a "pride" for the Chinese Communists, the Chinese army and the Chinese nation as a whole".

He also observed that, "the victory of the Long March shows the outstanding capabilities of the Chinese Communists in leading the revolutionary war, the undaunted spirit of the Red Army officers and soldiers who had bravely sacrificed their lives for national independence and people's emancipation, and the fact that the just powers of the people's revolutionary war is unbeatable".

I couldn't agree more.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Site Down

Update: Thanks to the Great Leader the site is now back up and running so we can continue to protect your constitutional right to comment.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

De-Industrialization Continiues

China carries on it march towards world economic dominance by continuing to widen the trade surplus. Chinese data shows that through September exports exceeded imports by $110.9 billion, exceeding the all-time high of $102 billion in 2005. The $111 billion surplus was just for the first nine months setting the expected year end surplus to be the largest ever recorded. For September, China had a $14.1 billion surplus with the US, and sold $8.8 billion more of goods to the European Union than it bought from the bloc.

Thanks to the ever increasing surpluses China now also has the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world, totaling near one trillion dollars (that is trillion with a T). China uses these huge reserves to help finance the US debt, and not only the federal one but more importantly the corporate and consumer portions. This will allow them to one day just pull the plug and flush the US economy down the toilet, which is precisely why we look the other way when China acts against us, like when it shoots lasers at our satellites.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Not Just Toys Anymore

The Peoples Daily reports that the PRC plans to boost exports of software to 10 billion dollars in an effort to increase its overall service exports. According to the Ministry of Commerce, China exported 3.6 billion dollars worth of software and related services in 2005, a rise of 28 % from 2004.

In addition, China plans to increase trade in services from 160 billion dollars in 2005 to 400 billion dollars by 2010. Now that the de-industrialization is almost complete, the Peoples Republic has set its eyes on our high-tech sector.

Now some might say that for as much as they will export they will import. Maybe you are right, but it will not be from the US. The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) reports that China's technology imports from Japan reached 4.45 billion U.S. dollars and that from the United States, 2.89 billion U.S. dollars, that was dwarfed by imports from the EU at $7.54 billion.

While it is believed China would not be able to compete with us militarily because of our technological superiority, they seem to be steadily correcting that with a build up of their hi-tech sector (at American expense of course).

Monday, October 09, 2006

Divide and Conquer

Now that the North Koreans have tested their nuke, I think its time that we look at who wins in this situation, and see the long term strategy in play here. We should start by analyzing the major players and what they gain or lose, so her we go:

The South Koreans and Japanese lose because now they have a real threat of losing cities and they have to suffer economically because they will have to raise their military spending now to deal with this Northern threat.

America loses because one of the member of the "axis" has now gone nuclear. Bush especially loses since he said he would never let the North have nukes, so that is another failure of his policy just weeks before midterm elections.

The North does not make any significant gains in that they lose whatever aid they were getting from the West without really gaining anything as a deterrent. They have 10,000 pieces of fortified artillery along the DMZ with 30,000 mobile artillery available. This would allow them to rain down hundreds of thousands of rounds of hi-explosive artillery unto Soul, a city of nearly 20 million people and the industrial heartland of Korea. This was why we never attacked them, meaning they did not really need a nuclear deterrent.

So the only winner is China and to a lesser extant Russia, both countries being the only major supporters the North has had for the past fifty years. The goal of the communists is to weaken our influence and split us from our allies. They are doing this beautifully.

The North getting nukes over our promises that we will never let them have any, shows the world we are weak and that we cannot be relied upon to keep our promises. This makes our allies question us and look for other stronger countries to provide them with protection.

China steps in and provides this, because if you look at their track record their allies have not only been put under their protective umbrella, but they have been provided with nukes to protect themselves. China will not back away from its allies, while the same cannot be said of the US.

The long term strategy of the communist block has been to make them look less threatening causing us to lower our guards and to split up the anti-communist alliance. It is divide and conquer with a twist (the twist being a fake collapse of the Soviet Union, causing the reduction in the West military strength).

The results have been more then the communists could have ever dreamed of when they came up with this plan in 1956. The great NATO alliance is almost dead, the European militaries have been gutted, China has been built up with the help of Western investments, the Europeans and the Americans are split, other US allies are leaving the Western camp, the US military has shrunk from Cold-War days, and whatever is left of the US military has been stretched and warn out fighting proxy wars.

While this is happening we in America are ignorant as can be. I know there is a saying that goes ignorance is bliss, but in this case the ignorance will mean collapse and destruction.