Thursday, December 16, 2004

Biggest threat we face today

I want to start my first serious post by first telling all the readers that in my opinion the topic I am going to talk about now is in my opinion the most serious issue the world faces today. The Middle Kingdom as the Chinese call China is today making a move to become the most powerful country in the world, and replace the US as the worlds lone superpower.
This of course can only be done, and china realizes this, by either eliminating the US militarily or financial. China is today trying the economic approach while preparing for the military one if America survives the Chinese financial onslaught.
Everyday a Chinese company buys up a segment or entire American company, or even worse a traitorous American company moves most of their operations to China. All this is accomplishing is in moving industry and technology from America to China. The US used to be the most innovative country in the world, not anymore for now all the innovation is happening in Asia in general and China in specific. All this new industry and technology that China is gaining is being transformed into one of the most sophisticated and fastest growing defense industries in the world.
This new and giant complex is being fueled by the money made from all the exports to the US and to a lesser extent Europe. China currently is the largest weapons buyer in the world and it is becoming if not already is the largest exporter in the world. It is the largest current US creditor. The only reason why the US has not yet collapsed financially is because China is financing our debt.
Hopefully overtime I will be able to convince most of you of the great threat that China poses to the US and the whole free world.

Remember to tell everyone you know to read this blog and see the truth!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I always wonder how much Wal-Mart stock they hold in phoney holding companies they set up. the other one I wonder about is all of the Chinese buffets. Where in the heck did all these people come from? I know that sounds paranoid, but that is how I feel.

12/16/2004 4:24 PM  

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