Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Falun Gone

In another good column, Lev Navrozov again brings to light a large group of people that are being persecuted by the Chinese communist government. This time it’s the torture to death of members of the Falun Gong movement.

This is a faith group that has a hundred million members world wide, with 75 million of them in China. This of course is a threat to the Chinese government, because any group that follows a belief other then the state sanctioned communist ideology has a possibility of realizing the evils of Red China and maybe waking the rest of the population up.

So currently members of Falun Gong are probably the most oppressed people in China (if not the world) even suppressing the Tibetans, another forgotten people.

While the world is at arms over the treatment of faith groups in countries like Serbia and Bosnia, no nation is willing to stand up to China over its horrendous human rights record.

As the saying goes first they came for the Tibetans and I did nothing, then they came for the Falun Gong and I did nothing, and then they came for me and there was no one left to do anything.


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