Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Great Oil Hunt

After reading a post by Crypto-Corinthian on the rising oil prices, I was inspired to post about China's unquenched thirst for oil and the inevitable conflict that is going to occur when Chinese oil interest clash with those of the US.

Oil as we know from our high school classes, is a finite resource that is in the opinion of many reaching its peak. China knowing this is searching for ways to secure access to oil by any means necessary. Their search has taken them to almost every part of the world; from Saudi Arabia and Africa to Iran, Central Asia, and even Canada. In the end, to achieve their final goal of world dominance the PRC will require a secure source of oil that the US will not be able to blockade, and it is this that America has to try to prevent if it wants to have a chance of winning any future conflict with China.

Related to this oil topic J.R. Nyquist has written a good article of the dangers that Peak Oil poses, and how the US (unlike China) is slow to recognize the threat that is posed by the oncoming oil shortages.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nyquist is always good.

There is a chance the USA is drifting to peak oil with a hidden agenda.

There is a tremendous amount of oil in the Canadian oil sand and in the American shale oil.

As the price climbs the profits made in the oil industry will be spent finding new sources of oil or developing sources that have until now been technically unfeasible.

Oil sands are now economically feasible, oil shale may never be.

We won't find out about oil shale until they try a large project. They won't try a large project until monetary returns can be found.

China may looking for a win, we may be using game theory to acquire an optimum long term outcome.

1/23/2006 10:23 PM  

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