Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Google Maps Taiwan as Province

Taiwan has logged a protest with Google for marking it as a province of China in the Google map section. Taiwan's foreign ministry spokesman Michel Lu was confident that Google will change the error, but I do not share in his confidence.

As I have reported before the last time Taiwan complained about being called a province of China they were forced to march under a Taipei flag at the 2004 Olympics.

Once again, this is an example of a company or country cowering to Chinese demands. At this rate the PRC will not have to conquer anything, but instead will force everyone to surrender to it or loose access to its "market".


Blogger Walter Jeffries said...

That is really sickening. Google has repeatedly said they will bow to nobody. If they bow to China they are going to lose a lot of their dignity and trust.

10/08/2005 4:01 PM  

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