Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Laughing at China not With it

Burt Prelutsky, a former humor columnist for the Los Angeles Times, has written a hilarious column about the quirky manners of the Red Chinese.

It is an insightfully funny look at the “great weakness” of the China giant. In addition, this shows that even the world strongest economy cannot correct the evils of socialism from a society’s culture.

As Burt says, "Well, I, for one, wish China well. Even if they are a bunch of rotten Commies, it can’t hurt to have them at least become polite rotten Commies."


Blogger cube said...

I'd like to kick the person who's bright idea it was to have China host an Olympics. Actually, it was probably a decision by committee so I'd have to kick a bunch of butts!

10/13/2005 12:36 PM  

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