Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Steamroller for an Economy

As expected by most financial analysts, China’s economy has grown at an unbelievably blistering rate of 9.9% for the 2005 fiscal year. This was much higher then the 8% expected and predicted by the government economic planning board, also known as the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). In the fourth quarter alone the growth was 9.9%, which again was higher then predicted by the government.

In addition, China has continued to revise its numbers from last year as well as years past (1974 to 2004 to be more specific). The PRC is forced to do this because the continually understate their growth in order to stay under the radar and try not to draw to much attention that could lead to the West waking up to the new Communist threat.

This year’s growth at even present unrevised numbers have pulled China way ahead of the British, French, and Italians, who it trailed at this time last year. Now next up are the Germans and the Japanese who are two and three in the world in terms of their economies.

This will leave only the US, which is no problem for the Chinese since America is so dependent on the PRC continuing to support the massive US debt. When China decides that it no longer needs the US and is ready to make its move for world dominance it will simply cut America off from its funds and we will collapse economically.

As always, this problem has been brought on by the West, without whose investment China would never have been able to grow at even a minimal rate. On top of that, the problem was amplified when China was allowed to enter the free market. All this help has allowed the rise of a nation which will ultimately lead the destruction of the Western world.

What China has done is used the hand of the planned economic state to cutoff the invisible hand of the free market. Now the US and Europe are left to hope for help from the hand of G-d, although the way the West shuns religion even that looks bleak.


Blogger Francis W. Porretto said...

America has nothing much to fear from China. The Beijing regime can't afford to liberalize enough to become a real threat to us. If it ever begins to look ominous, we'll simply nuclearize Japan and Taiwan. Remember that you heard it here first.

1/29/2006 8:01 PM  

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