Friday, December 17, 2004

IBM Sale

I know it is a little late, but I would like to bring up the recent sale of IBM's computer producing segment to Lenovo Group Ltd.. Lenovo is a Chinese company that was started in the 80's by a Chinese professor of the state run Chinese Academy of Sciences. As we can guess the company had to be approved by the Central Commission in China, and probably to this day is still supervised by the government. The fact that the Chinese government employs the President of the Lenovo should be worrying to most readers.
From a financial standpoint IBM was loosing money on its computer making division, and had to do something to try to make it profitable. However, my problem is not with the sale of the division itself, but with to whom it was sold. IBM makes some of the best desktops and laptops in the market today; the only problem was they could not compete with the price of computers like those from Dell and HP. Both of these companies moved their production operation to Asia and have been able to cut their prices and in most case their quality as well. Thus IBM had no option left, but to sell the division.
That being said, the IBM sale represents what China has been doing since the late 80's. By buying this computer segment China is not only bringing an industry to its shore while taking it away from another country, but it is also receiving a great boost in its technology. This sale now transfers all of IBM computer knowledge to the Chinese, and lets them jump years in the computer field. What I have not been able to find is whether this deal also sells the supercomputer branch of IBM. This is the branch that builds the computers that track the missiles and the satellites. From what I have read IBM wants to get out of manufacturing and concentrate on consulting and software, so I would assume that it will not be making supercomputers anymore. However, I am not sure of this, I would hope that the US government would stop the sale of any segment that is involved in building supercomputers, but you never know.
Another threat that this sale highlights is the fact that American businesses have no interest in letting the American people see China for the threat it is. While IBM sold the computer-manufacturing segment it will keep 18% share of the division. This will mean that now IBM will not want any government action that might harm Lenovo Group, because its profits will be hurt. This is an example of how the Chinese are slowly working at picking apart our economy while not being seen as a threat.

In the future whenever I will see deals like this happen I will try to post about them and their consequences to America, but what I need you the reader to do is to tell everyone to read this blog and come back to it as often as you can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The supercomputers you are tolking about called Main Fraims (AS400, Z390 and so on.) The supercomputer is a combination of this mainframes joined together and working as one.
P.S. Parts for mainframes are made in china anyway for a long time. If you will find IBM workstation or laptop please take a look where it was made... You will be pleasently surprized that it is made in china, and has been for a wile now.



3/17/2005 3:11 PM  

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