Monday, November 14, 2005

China's Industry Keeps on Churning

Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China's manufacturing sector has grown 16.1 % from last year a .1 % decrease from expectations. It is also expected to grow at 16% for the full-year growth as compared to last year.

The strong numbers are due to exports and sustained investment growth, most of that coming from the US.

These numbers parallel with the US manufacturing numbers, which have been steadily declining, due to lack of exports and slowly dwindling investments. This is due to the Chinese slowly taking over industries which have been traditionally US staples, like steel and automotive.

China understands that to be a world power you need an economy that can produce and not one that blindly consumes. They also realize that by slowly taking away our manufacturing industry they bleed us to death by a thousand cuts, weakening us enough to be able to eliminate us out of the way without firing a single shot.


Blogger TRex said...

You said it in two words:

"China understands"

And we blindly consume. I said once that America could never be subdued militarily (although the asymetric tactics of Al Quaida are proving troublesome) but I never expected us to be sold out by our own investors.

I suspect that there is much more to the "sustained investment growth, most of that coming from the US" than is readily apearant to the average reader.


11/18/2005 3:47 AM  

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