Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Iranian Shield

With Iran becoming China's leading supplier of oil we can now see why the Iranians are so willing to go against the US and Europe. This is also why the UN will do nothing when it comes to Iran.

All we have to look at is when in 1991 when the largest supplier of oil to the US was threatened; we set up a little operation called Desert Shield. Now the Chinese have the same problem and I am pretty sure that they will not let anything happen to their Saudi Arabia.

This is all part of the Chinese plan of methodically pushing American influence and power away from Asia and then replacing it with their own authority. If we don't stand up to Iran, which I think we will not, then we should get used to seeing countries begin to turn away from us and instead look to China as a partner both economically and militarily.


Blogger Kevin said...

I also think that the leading politicians in America (i.e. the Bush administration) do not think the UN is legit. And until we can acknowledge that they have some credibility in the world they won't help us out with our situation in Iran. Not many want to give them a chance after the oil-for-food scandal even though the U.S. was just as tied up as the heads of the UN were.

2/24/2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been plugging away at this very topic for over a year now. China is the next great super power and we'll just have to deal with it.

2/24/2006 4:35 PM  

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