Saturday, April 29, 2006

And the Winner Is.......

Here is, in my opinion, the best video that came out of this years Sundance film festival.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Today is the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. As a tribute to the event that has given me my superpowers here is a tour through the city, which was taken by a Ukrainian motorbike enthusiast named Elena. You can start at the beginning or at the revisit page, which has newly updated photos.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Mexican Revolution

Since illegal immigration has been the hot topic of the month, I thought I would post a few words about the country of origin for many of these illegal, sorry I mean undocumented workers. I would recommend everyone read the latest column by Nyquist about the real Mexican Revolution.

As Nyquist points out Mexican President Vicente Fox has suggestive links to both Castro and Ortega, but more importantly Fox's appointees to office are outright communists themselves. All we need to do is take a look at the appointment of Jorge Castaneda as Mexico’s foreign minister.

Castaneda is a member of the Mexican Party and was involved in assisting both Castro and Ortega in the 80's. He is currently trying to run for President of Mexico, but will probably lose to Lopez Obrador.

Lopez Obrador himself is strongly supported by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a fact which he denies. He is also supported by all the major radical Marxist groups in Mexico and the United States.

Most importantly and most threatening to the US is the underreported fact of the Chinese military on the Mexico - US border. We have heard some stories about the many Mexican Army incursions onto US soil, which led to the border patrol being told to avoid U.S.-Mexican border confrontations “no matter what”. However, the stories about Chinese soldiers being across the border as well as in Panama have been non-existent.

This is important because we have to realize that we have to be careful when we give amnesty, because many of these people are not interested in the survival of the United States of America. All they are concerned about is where do they make their next buck.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Protected Growth

As in every year, the understated growth prediction for the Chinese economy for the upcoming year have come out. According to the Asian Development Bank China's GDP will grow by an expected 9.5% in the 06-07 fiscal year.

After adjusting for the understated numbers this means we should again see double digit growth from China. This means more and more things that we use will be made in China, and slowly China will continue its deindustrialization of the West. As soon as this is done the West will be primed for the picking.